Baby Yoga is back for 2019

It is my absolute privilege to run a baby yoga class. I consider myself so fortunate to be in a position to welcome new mums along to my classes. Whether it's their 1st baby or their fifth this class is like an emergence for a mother from the cocoon that is those first overwhelming weeks of adjusting to life with a new little person wholly independent on them.
I see baby yoga as a way for the mum to express her feelings (if she chooses), her fears and the unconditional love for her baby within a group going through exactly the same. Between them they support each other through some of the biggest challenges, the absolute best support network you could wish to walk into.
In addition this support is of course the yoga practice that we do together. Gentle bonding massage techniques combined with releasing yoga postures to ease tension and stiffness from feeding and holding. Through the yoga we do with the babies I get to witness little limbs stretch and lengthen as they reach out into the new world - smiles and giggles broaden in response to their mother's voice, touch and soothing movements.
Baby yoga is a great way of overcoming bonding issues that may be experienced after a difficult or traumatic birth. Learn new ways to confidently handle and soothe your baby whilst enjoying some gentle and nourishing yoga that will help strengthen and support what can be a fragile post natal frame. Yoga with your baby can remedy common new born ailments like colic, constipation and reflux. Yoga can also stimulate the maturing digestive and vestibular systems essential to those first few months.
We meet on Thursday mornings term time at the Methodist church hall on the High street in Albrighton.
Arrive from 10am wrapping up at 11am
After your 1st taster session if you decide it's for you, a month of 4 classes is £28.00